
Sebelum Penyerahan

Penulis harus  memastikan  bahwa naskah telah disiapkan menggunakan Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan Template  mengikuti pedoman penulis . Naskah juga harus diperiksa kesamaannya dengan cermat   (  hasil  pemeriksaan kesamaan  harus dilampirkan sebagai  file pelengkap  dalam proses pengiriman). Setiap naskah yang  tidak memenuhi  pedoman penulis, fokus dan ruang lingkup , ditulis dalam  format yang berbeda , akan langsung  ditolak .  Satu-satunya naskah yang memenuhi standar Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan  akan diproses lebih lanjut. 

Registrasi  dan  login  diperlukan untuk mengirimkan item secara online dan untuk memeriksa status pengiriman saat ini.

Accreditation Status

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan has applied for Reaccreditation since March 2024, and was declared to have passed the evaluation desk on May 19, 2024. Currently the journal's status is in the reaccreditation assessment period.
Based on the circular issued by the DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Number 1469/E5/DT.05.00/2024, for journals that have passed the evaluation desk and are in the assessment process, the previous accreditation rating is declared to remain valid until the latest accreditation results have been announced.
Posted: 2024-12-19

Important Information


We inform you that AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan never cooperates with third parties in terms of publication in this journal.
Articles that have been submitted in OJS will be reviewed by the editor, and for articles that meet the standards, a review process will be carried out.
All information we provide through the journal's official email.
The article publication fee is as stated on this website and without additional costs.
We also never make promotions / advertisements to be able to publish quickly with a guarantee of publication in AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan.
We are not responsible if there are other parties who guarantee to be published in AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan.
The official contact number is the one listed on this journal website: and

Posted: 2023-10-25
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